Top Tourist Attractions And Things To Do In Cambodia

Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia. It borders Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam and has a coastline along the Gulf of Thailand. Cambodia is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It is home to the magnificent Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world and a symbol of national pride. This masterpiece, a UNESCO World Heritage site, draws in travelers with its intricate carvings and stunning design, representing the pinnacle of Khmer architecture.

Cambodia’s tragic history, marked by the Khmer Rouge regime, is remembered through poignant sites like the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, offering a sobering glimpse into the country’s past. For nature enthusiasts, Cambodia’s landscape ranges from pristine beaches and islands along its coast to remote jungle areas like the Cardamom Mountains, offering diverse adventures. Cambodia has a compelling history, vibrant culture, and natural beauty, and it is a hidden region of Asia.

Best Time to Visit Cambodia:

  • Dry Season (November to April): This is the most popular time to visit Cambodia. The weather is typically dry and cool (by Cambodian standards), making it ideal for sightseeing and exploring the temples of Angkor. The peak tourist season is between November and February, when temperatures are most comfortable.
  • Hot Season (March to May): During these months, temperatures can soar, often exceeding 40°C (104°F). This can be a challenging time for outdoor activities, but it’s also less crowded. If you plan to visit during this period, it’s advisable to schedule outdoor activities for the early morning or late afternoon.
  • Rainy Season (May to October): The monsoon season brings heavy rains and high humidity, which can affect travel plans, especially in rural areas where roads may become impassable. However, the countryside is lush and green, and the rain usually comes in short, heavy bursts, so it’s still possible to enjoy sightseeing. This season also sees fewer tourists, which means lower prices and less crowded attractions.
  • Cultural Events and Festivals: Cambodia hosts several festivals throughout the year, like the Khmer New Year in April or the Water Festival in November. Visiting during these times can provide a unique insight into the local culture, though some areas may be busier than usual.

Tourist Travel Map of Cambodia

Map of Cambodia

Best Places To Visit In Cambodia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia: 

Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world. It was initially built as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu. It’s known for its grand architecture and intricate bas-reliefs, representing one of the finest examples of Khmer art and architecture. The temple complex symbolizes Cambodia and is a point of national pride, appearing on the country’s flag.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Angkor Wat Temple:

  1. Angkor Wat Temple: This iconic temple complex is the largest religious monument in the world, known for its stunning architecture and intricate carvings.
  2. Bayon Temple: Famous for its massive stone faces, Bayon is another remarkable temple within the Angkor Archaeological Park.
  3. Ta Prohm: Overgrown by jungle, Ta Prohm offers a unique and atmospheric experience with tree roots intertwining through the ruins.
  4. Angkor Thom: An ancient city within the Angkor complex, it features impressive gates, temples, and the Terrace of the Elephants.
  5. Biking Tours: Exploring the temples by bike is a popular way to see the area, allowing you to cover more ground and appreciate the scenery.
Phnom Penh Royal Palace, Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: 

Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, is known for its rich history and vibrant culture. Key attractions include the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and the National Museum, which houses a vast collection of Khmer artifacts. The city’s tragic history is remembered at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields, poignant reminders of the Khmer Rouge regime.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Phnom Penh:

  1. Royal Palace: A stunning example of Khmer architecture, the Royal Palace is the official residence of the King of Cambodia.
  2. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum: This haunting museum was once a prison during the Khmer Rouge regime and serves as a sobering reminder of Cambodia’s tragic past.
  3. Killing Fields of Choeung Ek: Located just outside Phnom Penh, this site memorializes the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime’s atrocities.
  4. Central Market (Phsar Thmey): A bustling market where you can shop for everything from clothing to local food.
  5. Mekong River Sunset Cruise: Enjoy a leisurely boat ride on the Mekong River while watching the sunset over the city skyline.
Battambang Colonial Architecture, Cambodia

Battambang, Cambodia:

Battambang is Cambodia’s second-largest city, renowned for its well-preserved French colonial architecture. The city is a hub for contemporary Cambodian art and hosts several galleries and art spaces. Nearby attractions include Phnom Banan and Wat Ek Phnom’s ancient temples and the unique Bamboo Train.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Battambang:

  1. Bamboo Train (Norry): Experience the unique and exhilarating ride on a bamboo platform powered by a small engine.
  2. Phare Ponleu Selpak: A local circus and performing arts school that puts on entertaining and culturally rich shows.
  3. Battambang Bat Caves: At dusk, millions of bats emerge from the caves in an impressive natural spectacle.
  4. Colonial Architecture: Stroll through the town’s streets to admire well-preserved colonial-era buildings.
  5. Battambang Bamboo Train: Ride the traditional bamboo train for a scenic journey through the countryside.
Sihanoukville Beaches, Cambodia

Sihanoukville Beaches, Cambodia:

Sihanoukville is a coastal city known for its beautiful beaches, such as Otres Beach and Serendipity Beach. The area is popular for water sports, snorkeling, and diving, especially around the nearby islands. The lively nightlife and international cuisine make it a favorite among younger travelers.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Sihanoukville:

  1. Ochheuteal Beach: Known for its golden sands and vibrant beachfront bars and restaurants.
  2. Sokha Beach: A more serene and upscale beach option with clear waters and luxury resorts.
  3. Sihanoukville Waterfalls: Explore the lush jungle and visit nearby waterfalls, such as Kbal Chhay Waterfall.
  4. Island Hopping: Take boat trips to nearby islands like Koh Rong and Koh Rong Samloem for beautiful beaches and snorkeling.
  5. Nightlife: Sihanoukville offers a lively nightlife scene with beach parties and various bars and clubs.
Kampot Riverfront, Cambodia

Kampot Riverfront, Cambodia:

Kampot is famous for its scenic riverfront and producing some of the world’s best pepper. The town is characterized by well-preserved French colonial architecture and a laid-back atmosphere. Nearby attractions include the Phnom Bokor National Park and the picturesque salt fields.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Kampot River:

  1. River Cruises: Enjoy a relaxing boat trip on the Kampot River with stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  2. Pepper Plantations: Kampot is famous for its pepper, and you can visit plantations to learn about the cultivation process.
  3. Bokor Hill Station: Explore the historic French colonial hill station with its abandoned buildings and cool climate.
  4. Kampot Caves: Visit caves like Phnom Chhngok and Phnom Sorsia, known for their unique limestone formations.
  5. Sunset Views: The riverfront area offers excellent spots to watch the sunset over the river and Bokor Mountain.
Bokor Hill Station, Cambodia

Bokor Hill Station, Cambodia:

This abandoned French colonial resort is located in the Preah Monivong Bokor National Park, which offers spectacular views and a haunting atmosphere. The main attractions include the old Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino, a church, and royal residences.

The area is also known for its rich biodiversity, including rare species of flora and fauna.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Bokor Hill Station:

  1. Bokor National Park: Explore the lush rainforest, waterfalls, and hiking trails in this scenic national park.
  2. Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino: Visit the eerie, abandoned Bokor Palace Hotel, which was once a luxurious resort.
  3. Popokvil Waterfall: Enjoy a refreshing dip in the natural pools near this beautiful waterfall.
  4. Black Palace (Preah Monivong Bokor National Park): Explore the ruins of a former royal residence, offering panoramic views.
  5. Bokor Hill Station Sunset: Witness a stunning sunset from the hill station, overlooking the Gulf of Thailand.
Banlung and the Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia

Banlung and the Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia:

Banlung is the capital of Ratanakiri Province, known for its ethnic diversity and natural beauty. Popular activities include trekking to waterfalls, visiting indigenous villages, and exploring the volcanic Yeak Laom Lake. The region’s dense forests and wildlife make it a prime destination for eco-tourism.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Banlung:

  1. Yeak Laom Lake: A pristine volcanic lake surrounded by lush forest, perfect for swimming and picnicking.
  2. Virachey National Park: Go trekking and wildlife spotting in one of Cambodia’s most remote and biodiverse national parks.
  3. Gem Mining: Ratanakiri is known for its gemstone mines, and you can visit mines to see the gem extraction process.
  4. Indigenous Villages: Explore the traditional villages of various indigenous minority groups and learn about their cultures.
  5. Cha Ung Waterfall: Visit this picturesque waterfall, which is known for its multi-tiered cascades and natural beauty.
Kirirom National Park, Cambodia

Kirirom National Park, Cambodia: 

Kirirom National Park is known for its unique highland plateau, offering a cooler climate and pine forests. The park is home to various wildlife and offers opportunities for hiking, bird-watching, and waterfall visits. It’s also a historical site, with remnants from the Khmer Rouge era and a royal residence.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Kirirom National Park:

  1. Chambok Community-based Ecotourism: Experience sustainable tourism by exploring the natural beauty of Kirirom and supporting local communities.
  2. Chambok Waterfall: Hike to the waterfall and enjoy the cool mountain air and refreshing waters.
  3. Kirirom Hillside Station: A tranquil area with scenic views, hiking trails, and a variety of flora and fauna.
  4. Kirirom Lake: Rent a paddleboat or relax by the lakeside for a peaceful day in nature.
  5. Flora and Fauna: Kirirom National Park is home to diverse plant and animal species, making it a great place for nature enthusiasts.
Silver Pagoda, Cambodia

Silver Pagoda, Cambodia: 

Located within the Royal Palace compound in Phnom Penh, the Silver Pagoda is named for its floor, which is covered with over 5,000 silver tiles. It houses many national treasures, including gold and jeweled Buddha statues. The temple is a significant religious site and exemplifies the richness of Khmer culture.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Silver Pagoda:

  1. Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morakot): Admire the stunning Silver Pagoda, which houses a precious Buddha statue and a floor paved with silver tiles.
  2. Emerald Buddha: See the impressive Emerald Buddha statue, made of Baccarat crystal, in the Silver Pagoda.
  3. Royal Palace: Explore the adjacent Royal Palace, which is a beautiful example of Khmer architecture.
  4. Buddhist Art: Discover a rich collection of Buddhist art, sculptures, and artifacts within the Silver Pagoda complex.
  5. Gardens: Stroll through the peaceful gardens surrounding the Silver Pagoda for a tranquil escape in Phnom Penh.
Tonlé Sap Lake, Cambodia

Tonlé Sap Lake, Cambodia:

Tonlé Sap is Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake, known for its unique flow change direction twice a year. The lake is home to floating villages and diverse ecosystems, offering a glimpse into the aquatic life of Cambodians. It’s a vital source of livelihood and biodiversity, hosting over 300 fish species and numerous bird species.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Tonlé Sap Lake:

  1. Floating Villages: Take a boat tour to explore the unique floating villages on Tonlé Sap Lake and learn about the lifestyle of its inhabitants.
  2. Bird Watching: The lake and its surrounding areas are home to diverse bird species, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise.
  3. Kampong Phluk: Visit the stilted village of Kampong Phluk and witness the seasonal rise and fall of the lake’s water levels.
  4. Chong Kneas: Another floating village, Chong Kneas offers insights into the challenges and adaptability of its residents.
  5. Tonlé Sap Biosphere Reserve: Explore the protected areas around the lake, which are vital for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
Ta Prohm, Cambodia

Ta Prohm, Cambodia: 

Ta Prohm is a temple at Angkor, famous for its overgrown trees and ruins that merge with the jungle. The temple gained additional fame as a filming location for the movie “Tomb Raider.”

Its atmospheric combination of nature and architecture makes it a compelling site for photographers and historians.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Ta Prohm Temple:

  1. Ta Prohm Temple: Explore the atmospheric temple with tree roots entwined among the ruins, made famous by the “Tomb Raider” movie.
  2. Ancient Carvings: Admire the intricate stone carvings that depict scenes from Hindu mythology at Ta Prohm.
  3. Mysterious Atmosphere: Experience the sense of adventure and mystery as you wander through the overgrown temple.
  4. Photography Opportunities: Ta Prohm offers some of the most photogenic scenes among the Angkor temples.
  5. Conservation Efforts: Learn about the ongoing restoration and preservation efforts at Ta Prohm, balancing nature and history.
Preah Vihear Temple, Cambodia

Preah Vihear Temple, Cambodia:

Preah Vihear is a stunning Khmer temple situated atop a cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains, on the border with Thailand. The temple is known for its spectacular location and well-preserved architecture. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its historical and cultural significance.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Preah Vihear Temple:

  1. Preah Vihear Temple: Visit this ancient temple perched on a cliff, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  2. Architectural Marvel: Explore the well-preserved Khmer architecture and intricate carvings of Preah Vihear.
  3. Historical Significance: Learn about the temple’s historical importance as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  4. Hiking and Scenic Vistas: Hike up the hill to reach the temple, enjoying the scenic landscapes along the way.
  5. Peaceful Ambiance: Experience the tranquility and remoteness of Preah Vihear, which sees fewer tourists compared to other temples.
Kratie and the Irrawaddy Dolphins, Cambodia

Kratie and the Irrawaddy Dolphins, Cambodia:

Kratie is a small town on the banks of the Mekong River, famous for being one of the best places to see the endangered Irrawaddy dolphins. The town is known for its French colonial buildings and tranquil riverside setting. Boat trips on the Mekong for dolphin watching are popular, offering a chance to see these rare creatures in their natural habitat.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Kratie:

  1. Irrawaddy Dolphins: Go on a boat trip along the Mekong River to spot the rare Irrawaddy dolphins in their natural habitat.
  2. Kratie Riverside: Enjoy the charming atmosphere of Kratie’s riverside promenade, dotted with cafes and guesthouses.
  3. French Colonial Architecture: Explore the town’s streets to see well-preserved French colonial buildings.
  4. Phnom Sombok Temple: Visit this hilltop temple for panoramic views of the Mekong River and Kratie.
  5. Countryside Bike Tours: Rent a bicycle and explore the picturesque countryside around Kratie at your own pace.
Koh Ker, Cambodia

Koh Ker, Cambodia: 

Koh Ker was briefly the capital of the Khmer empire and is home to a unique pyramid-shaped temple, Prasat Thom. The site is known for its many temples in varying states of preservation, spread over a vast jungle area. It offers a more remote and less crowded experience than Angkor Wat, ideal for exploring ancient Khmer architecture in solitude.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Koh Ker:

  1. Koh Ker Temple Complex: Discover the remote and lesser-visited temple complex of Koh Ker, featuring impressive sandstone structures.
  2. Prasat Thom: Climb the pyramid-like temple of Prasat Thom for a commanding view of the surrounding jungle.
  3. Beng Mealea: While not in Koh Ker, nearby Beng Mealea is also worth visiting for its atmospheric ruins and Indiana Jones-like ambiance.
  4. Off-the-Beaten-Path: Experience a more off-the-beaten-path adventure compared to the crowded Angkor temples.
  5. Wildlife: Encounter wildlife and unique bird species while exploring the jungle around Koh Ker.

We hope this curated list of “Best Places to Visit in Cambodia” has stirred your wanderlust and sparked your curiosity. 

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