Top Tourist Attractions And Things To Do In Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, lies off the southern coast of India. The annual Esala Perahera festival in Kandy displays its cultural heritage. The festival features a stunning procession of elephants, dancers, and drummers. It showcases local customs and Buddhist traditions with vibrancy. The island has a strategic position for trading. This is evident in ancient cities like Sigiriya and Polonnaruwa. These cities offer insights into early Buddhist civilizations.

The Sri Lankan people are warm and hospitable. They reflect the island’s diverse ethnic and religious mosaic. The mosaic characterizes communal harmony and inclusiveness. Signature dishes make Sri Lankan cuisine famous. These dishes include kottu and fish ambul thiyal. It takes you on a culinary journey through the island’s history and natural abundance. Sri Lanka is a top tourist destination and a hidden gem in Asia.

Best Time to Visit Sri Lanka:

For the West and South Coasts and Hill Country: The ideal time to visit these areas, which include popular destinations like Colombo, Galle, and the tea country around Nuwara Eliya, is from December to March. During this period, the weather is drier and the temperatures are more comfortable.

For the East Coast: The best time to visit the east coast destinations like Trincomalee and Arugam Bay is from April/May to September. This period avoids the Yala monsoon, which affects the south and west coasts.

For Cultural Triangle: The Cultural Triangle, including ancient cities like Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, and the rock fortress of Sigiriya, can be visited year-round. However, the best weather is usually from November to April.

Wildlife Watching: If you’re interested in wildlife, particularly elephant watching, the dry season from May to September is ideal as animals congregate around water sources. For whale watching off the southern coast, the best time is from December to March.

Tourist Travel Map of Sri Lanka

Map of Sri lanka

Best Places To Visit In Sri Lanka

Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka

Kandy, Sri Lanka: 

Kandy is a UNESCO World Heritage site, home to the famous Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, and is known for its scenic beauty. The city celebrates the Esala Perahera festival, showcasing a vibrant display of Sri Lankan culture and heritage. Its picturesque lake and surrounding hills offer a tranquil retreat for nature lovers.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Kandy:

  1. Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this temple houses the relic of Buddha’s tooth and is an important pilgrimage site.
  2. Peradeniya Botanical Gardens: These beautiful gardens feature a wide variety of plants, including exotic orchids and giant bamboo.
  3. Kandy Lake: A picturesque lake located in the heart of the city, perfect for a leisurely walk.
  4. Cultural Dance Show: Experience traditional Kandyan dance and music performances that showcase Sri Lankan culture.
  5. Bahiravokanda Vihara Buddha Statue: Climb up to this hilltop temple to enjoy panoramic views of Kandy, with a massive seated Buddha statue as the centerpiece.
Galle Dutch Fort, Sri Lanka

Galle, Sri Lanka: 

Galle, recognized for its well-preserved colonial architecture, features the Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This coastal city is known for its art galleries, boutique shops, and rich history, blending Dutch, Portuguese, and British influences. Galle’s beaches and maritime museum are also significant attractions.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Galle:

  1. Galle Fort: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this well-preserved Dutch fort offers a glimpse into the colonial history of Sri Lanka.
  2. Galle Lighthouse: Visit the iconic red-and-white lighthouse for beautiful coastal views.
  3. Dutch Reformed Church: Explore this historic church, a significant architectural landmark within the fort.
  4. Galle International Cricket Stadium: Catch a cricket match if you’re a sports enthusiast, as it’s one of Sri Lanka’s premier cricket venues.
  5. Galle Fort Ramparts: Walk along the fort’s sturdy walls, offering stunning ocean vistas and a chance to spot the Galle Fort Clock Tower.
Mirissa Beach, Sri Lanka

Mirissa Beach, Sri Lanka:

Mirissa Beach is a haven for marine wildlife enthusiasts, offering some of the best whale and dolphin watching in Sri Lanka. Its golden sandy beaches and clear waters make it ideal for surfing and snorkeling. The beach’s laid-back atmosphere is perfect for relaxation and sunset viewing.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Mirissa:

  1. Mirissa Beach: Relax on the pristine sandy shores, swim in the crystal-clear waters, and enjoy water sports like surfing and snorkeling.
  2. Whale Watching: Take a boat tour from Mirissa to spot whales and dolphins in their natural habitat.
  3. Coconut Tree Hill: Capture breathtaking sunsets and panoramic views from this picturesque viewpoint.
  4. Secret Beach: Discover hidden coves and tranquil spots along the coastline.
  5. Parrot Rock: Hike to this small rock island for stunning panoramic views of Mirissa Bay.
Anuradhapura Ancient City, Sri Lanka

Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka:

An ancient city, Anuradhapura is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its well-preserved ruins of ancient Sri Lankan civilization. The city is significant for its stupas, ancient reservoirs, and sacred Bodhi Tree, making it a vital pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Anuradhapura:

  1. Anuradhapura Ancient City: Explore the ruins of an ancient capital, including impressive dagobas (stupas) like Ruwanwelisaya and Jetavanaramaya.
  2. Sri Maha Bodhi: Visit the sacred fig tree believed to be the oldest historically documented tree in the world.
  3. Abhayagiri Monastery: Discover the archaeological remains of a once-great Buddhist monastery.
  4. Isurumuniya Rock Temple: Admire ancient rock carvings and sculptures at this historic temple.
  5. Kuttam Pokuna (Twin Ponds): Marvel at two beautifully designed ancient bathing pools.
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka:

Famous for its surfing spots, Arugam Bay is a top destination for surf enthusiasts. The bay is known for its relaxed vibe and beautiful beaches. It’s also a gateway to exploring nearby wildlife reserves and historical sites.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Arugam Bay:

  1. Surfing: Arugam Bay is a renowned surf destination, attracting surfers from around the world.
  2. Pottuvil Lagoon: Explore the scenic lagoon, go bird watching, or take a boat ride.
  3. Elephant Rock: Hike to the top for a stunning panoramic view of the bay and surrounding area.
  4. Kumana National Park: Go on a safari to spot diverse wildlife, including birds and elephants.
  5. Whiskey Point: Another popular surf spot with a laid-back atmosphere and beautiful sunsets.
Dambulla Cave Temple, Sri Lanka

Dambulla Cave Temple, Sri Lanka:

This UNESCO World Heritage site consists of five cave temples filled with ancient Buddhist murals and statues. The caves offer insights into Sri Lankan religious art and history, making them a spiritual and artistic landmark.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Dambulla Cave Temple:

  1. Dambulla Cave Temple: Also known as the Golden Temple of Dambulla, this complex consists of cave temples adorned with ancient Buddhist murals and over 150 statues.
  2. Cave Paintings: Marvel at the intricate paintings on the cave walls, depicting various scenes from Buddhist mythology.
  3. Rock Fortress: Enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the hill on which the cave temple is located.
  4. Rangiri Dambulla International Cricket Stadium: If you’re a cricket fan, you can catch a match at this stadium located nearby.
  5. Ibbankatuwa Megalithic Tombs: Visit the nearby archaeological site to see prehistoric megalithic burial sites.
Udawalawe National Park, Sri Lanka

Udawalawe National Park, Sri Lanka:

Udawalawe National Park provides an authentic wildlife safari experience with a large elephant population. The park’s reservoir attracts various birds and animals, making it a paradise for nature and wildlife enthusiasts.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do Udawalawe National Park:

  1. Wildlife Safaris: Udawalawe is famous for its elephant population, and you can spot other wildlife like leopards, water buffaloes, and various bird species on safari.
  2. Udawalawe Reservoir: Enjoy picturesque views of the reservoir, which adds to the park’s scenic beauty.
  3. Elephant Transit Home: Visit this rehabilitation center for orphaned elephant calves before they are released back into the wild.
  4. Bird Watching: The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts with over 200 avian species, including eagles and kingfishers.
  5. Butterfly Garden: Explore the nearby butterfly garden to see a variety of colorful butterflies in a natural setting.
Ella Rock, Sri Lanka

Ella Rock, Sri Lanka: 

 Ella Rock is famed for its breathtaking views and hiking trails. The trek to the summit offers a panoramic view of the surrounding hills and tea plantations. It’s a favorite spot for adventure seekers and nature lovers.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Ella Rock:

  1. Ella Rock Hike: Embark on a challenging yet rewarding hike to the summit of Ella Rock, which offers stunning panoramic views of Ella and the surrounding hills.
  2. Nine Arch Bridge: Admire the architectural beauty of the Nine Arch Bridge, a popular spot for train enthusiasts and photographers.
  3. Ravana Falls: Visit this beautiful waterfall, and you can even take a refreshing dip in the pool at its base.
  4. Little Adam’s Peak: A less strenuous hike compared to Ella Rock, it provides breathtaking views of the Ella Gap.
  5. Tea Plantations: Explore the lush tea plantations surrounding Ella and learn about the tea-making process with plantation tours.
Nuwara Eliya and Tea Country, Sri Lanka

Nuwara Eliya and Tea Country, Sri Lanka: 

Nuwara Eliya, situated in the heart of Sri Lanka’s tea country, is known for its cool climate and colonial-era bungalows. The surrounding tea plantations and factories offer a glimpse into the tea-making process and colonial history.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Nuwara Eliya Tea Country:

  1. Tea Plantations: Take a tour of tea estates, such as Mackwoods or Pedro, to witness the tea-making process and enjoy scenic views.
  2. Hakgala Botanical Gardens: Explore these beautiful gardens featuring a wide variety of flora and fauna.
  3. Victoria Park: Stroll through this park with well-maintained flowerbeds, birdlife, and serene walking paths.
  4. Gregory Lake: Enjoy a boat ride or leisurely walk around this picturesque lake with stunning mountain views.
  5. Lover’s Leap Waterfall: Visit this scenic waterfall named after a local legend, offering a romantic atmosphere.
Adam's Peak (Sri Pada), Sri Lanka

Adam’s Peak (Sri Pada), Sri Lanka:

This mountain is a sacred pilgrimage site revered by multiple religions. The climb to the peak is famous for its ‘sacred footprint’ and offers stunning sunrise views. The journey is as spiritual as it is scenic.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Adam’s Peak:

  1. Sri Pada Pilgrimage: Climb to the summit of Adam’s Peak, a sacred site for multiple religions, and watch the stunning sunrise.
  2. Footprint of Buddha: See the “Sri Pada” or “Sacred Footprint” at the summit, believed to be the footprint of Lord Buddha by Buddhists, and other religions have their own interpretations.
  3. Pilgrim Season: Experience the spiritual atmosphere during the annual pilgrimage season when thousands of devotees make the ascent.
  4. Adams Peak Butterfly Sanctuary: Explore the nearby butterfly sanctuary, home to various colorful butterfly species.
  5. Ratnapura Gem Mines: Visit the gem-rich city of Ratnapura, known for its precious gemstones, and learn about the gem mining process.
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Sri Lanka

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Sri Lanka: 

This orphanage and breeding ground for wild elephants offers a unique opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures. It’s known for its elephant care and conservation efforts, attracting animal lovers and conservationists.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage:

  1. Elephant Feeding: Witness the elephants being fed and bathed in the nearby river, a daily highlight at the orphanage.
  2. Baby Elephant Care: Get up close to baby elephants and learn about the conservation efforts to protect these majestic creatures.
  3. Visitor Interaction: You can take part in various activities such as bottle-feeding the baby elephants and walking with them.
  4. Elephant Facts: Gain insights into the behavior and habits of elephants through educational exhibits and talks.
  5. Surrounding Area: Explore the picturesque countryside surrounding Pinnawala, including lush vegetation and scenic landscapes.
Sigiriya Rock Fortress, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya Rock Fortress, Sri Lanka:

Sigiriya, an ancient rock fortress, is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its archaeological importance and impressive frescoes. The fortress’s advanced ancient urban planning and water gardens exhibit early technological innovations.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Sigiriya Rock :

  1. Sigiriya Rock Climb: Ascend the ancient rock fortress of Sigiriya, known for its stunning frescoes and breathtaking views from the summit.
  2. Frescoes of Sigiriya: Admire the ancient frescoes on the rock face that depict beautiful celestial maidens.
  3. Lion Gate: Pass through the massive Lion Gate entrance and explore the architectural marvels within.
  4. Sigiriya Museum: Learn about the history and significance of Sigiriya through exhibits at the on-site museum.
  5. Water Gardens: Stroll through the well-preserved water gardens, including fountains, pools, and cascades.
Yala National Park, Sri Lanka

Yala National Park, Sri Lanka:

Yala is renowned for its diverse wildlife, including leopards, elephants, and aquatic birds. It’s a prime destination for wildlife safaris and bird watching, showcasing Sri Lanka’s rich biodiversity.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Yala National Park:

  1. Wildlife Safaris: Yala is one of the best places in Sri Lanka to spot leopards, elephants, sloth bears, and a wide range of bird species.
  2. Block 1: Explore the diverse ecosystems of Block 1, known for its high leopard population and varied landscapes.
  3. Bundala National Park: Visit the nearby Bundala Park for birdwatching, featuring migratory birds and coastal wetlands.
  4. Yala Rock Temple: Discover the ancient Yala Rock Temple with historic cave paintings and statues.
  5. Patanangala Beach: Relax on the pristine shores of Patanangala Beach and enjoy the serene coastal atmosphere.
Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, Sri Lanka

Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, Sri Lanka: 

Located in Kandy, this temple houses the sacred tooth relic of Buddha. It’s a site of religious significance and cultural heritage, which is central to Sri Lankan Buddhism and history.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Temple of Sacred Tooth Relic:

  1. The Sacred Tooth Relic: The primary attraction of the temple is the sacred tooth relic itself, believed to be one of Buddha’s teeth. It is kept within a golden casket and is considered one of the most sacred objects in Buddhism.
  2. The Temple Complex: The temple complex is a stunning example of traditional Sri Lankan architecture, with its intricate woodwork, ivory and silver decorations, and beautiful paintings that adorn the walls and ceilings.
  3. Esala Perahera Festival: If you visit during July or August, you can witness the grand Esala Perahera festival, which features a spectacular procession of elephants, traditional dancers, drummers, and fire performers. It’s one of the most significant cultural events in Sri Lanka.
  4. Religious and Cultural Significance: The temple is not only a religious site but also a cultural and historical symbol of Sri Lanka. It has played a crucial role in preserving Buddhism on the island and has been a focus of veneration for centuries.
  5. Stunning Surroundings: The temple is located next to Kandy Lake, providing a serene and picturesque setting. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll around the lake or visit the nearby Royal Palace of Kandy (also known as the “The Royal Palace of the King of Kandy”) to explore more of the city’s history and culture.
Polonnaruwa Ancient City, Sri Lanka

Polonnaruwa Ancient City, Sri Lanka: 

As the former capital of Sri Lanka, Polonnaruwa is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its ancient ruins and statues. The city reflects ancient Sri Lankan civilizations’ advanced urban planning and architectural achievements.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Polonnaruwa:

  1. Polonnaruwa Ruins: Explore the well-preserved ruins of the ancient city, including impressive structures like the Gal Vihara and the Royal Palace.
  2. Gal Vihara: Admire the colossal rock-cut Buddha statues, considered some of the finest examples of ancient Sinhalese sculpture.
  3. Parakrama Samudra: Visit the massive man-made reservoir, a testament to the advanced engineering of the ancient civilization.
  4. Archaeological Museum: Learn more about the history and artifacts of Polonnaruwa at the on-site museum.
  5. Polonnaruwa Archaeological Park: Rent a bicycle to explore the sprawling archaeological park and its various monuments at your own pace.

We hope this curated list of “Best Places to Visit in Sri Lanka” has stirred your wanderlust and sparked your curiosity. 

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