Top Tourist Attractions And Things To Do In Malta

Malta is an archipelago located in the central Mediterranean. It sits between Sicily and the North African coast. People know the island for its diverse cultures and fascinating history. Currently, Malta is a lively place with a vibrant atmosphere. Malta, Gozo, and Comino comprise this nation’s three main islands. Each island has its own charm and experiences.

Malta has a complex history, seen in its diverse architecture. The historical sites also reflect this intriguing aspect of Malta. The islands have been inhabited since prehistoric times. Their strategic location made them a crossroads of history. The Phoenicians, Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French, and British influenced them. The megalithic temples are some of the oldest free-standing structures. They stand as a testament to the ancient past.

Culturally, Malta is a treasure trove. Its official languages, Maltese and English, reflect its storied past and modern dynamics. The Maltese fiestas are local feasts honoring patron saints. They are colorful and lively displays of the island’s traditions. These festivities allow travelers to experience Malta’s community spirit and traditions.

The people of Malta are famous for being warm and welcoming. They make visitors feel like they are at home. Exploring Malta is accessible and inviting because of its characteristics, safety, and size.

Best Time to Visit Malta:

Summer (June to August): This is the peak tourist season in Malta, with hot, sunny weather perfect for beach activities and water sports. However, it’s also the most crowded and expensive time to visit.

Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November): These are great times to visit Malta if you prefer milder weather. The temperatures are pleasant, ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and sightseeing. These seasons also see fewer tourists, making it a more relaxed experience.

Winter (December to February): Winters in Malta are mild compared to much of Europe. Although it’s not beach weather, it’s still suitable for exploring the cultural sites. This season also offers the lowest prices for accommodation and flights.

Tourist Travel Map of Malta

Map of Malta

Best Places To Visit In Malta

Blue Grotto, Malta

Blue Grotto, Malta: 

Located on the southern coast of Malta, the Blue Grotto is renowned for its dazzling azure waters and impressive network of sea caves. The site offers an ideal spot for scuba diving and boat tours, allowing visitors to explore the luminous marine life. The natural arch and the play of light within the caves provide a captivating photographic opportunity, especially in the morning.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Blue Grotto:

  1. Crystal Clear Waters: The Blue Grotto is famous for its incredibly clear and azure blue waters, which make it a perfect spot for swimming and snorkeling.
  2. Boat Trips: Visitors can take boat trips that pass through the stunning sea caves and arches, providing breathtaking views of the coastline.
  3. Sunset Views: The Blue Grotto offers some of the most stunning sunset views on the island, with the sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea.
  4. Diving: Scuba diving enthusiasts can explore the underwater caves and marine life in this area.
  5. Blue Grotto Restaurant: Enjoying fresh seafood and local cuisine at the nearby Blue Grotto Restaurant is a delightful experience.
Comino Island, Malta

Comino Island, Malta: 

A tranquil gem between Malta and Gozo, Comino Island is famous for the Blue Lagoon, a sheltered inlet of shimmering turquoise water perfect for swimming and snorkeling. The island, largely car-free and sparsely populated, is a haven for hikers and nature lovers. Its historic landmarks, such as the St. Mary’s Tower, add to the allure, making it a perfect escape from the hustle of urban life.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Comino Island:

  1. Blue Lagoon: The Blue Lagoon is a picturesque, shallow bay with crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming and snorkeling.
  2. Santa Marija Tower: Visit the historic Santa Marija Tower, a watchtower built in the 17th century to protect the island from pirates.
  3. Nature Walks: Comino offers beautiful nature walks, allowing you to explore its rugged landscape, cliffs, and flora.
  4. Cave Explorations: Explore the various caves and grottoes around the island, such as the popular Santa Maria Cave.
  5. Peace and Tranquility: Comino is a peaceful and serene island with limited permanent residents, making it an ideal place to escape the crowds.
Dingli Cliffs, Malta

Dingli Cliffs, Malta:

The highest point in Malta, Dingli Cliffs offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea. These majestic cliffs are a hotspot for sunset watchers and nature enthusiasts. The area is also steeped in history, with ancient cart ruts and a small chapel dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, adding to its cultural significance.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Dingli Cliffs:

  1. Breathtaking Views: Dingli Cliffs provide some of the most stunning panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding countryside.
  2. Walking Trails: There are walking trails along the cliffs that allow visitors to appreciate the natural beauty and tranquility of the area.
  3. Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene: Visit the small chapel dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, perched on the edge of the cliffs.
  4. Birdwatching: Birdwatchers can spot various bird species, including the local Blue Rock Thrush, in the cliffs’ vicinity.
  5. Sunset Watching: Dingli Cliffs are a popular spot to watch the sunset, creating a mesmerizing backdrop.
Valletta, Malta

Valletta, Malta:

Malta’s capital city, Valletta, is a living testament to the island’s rich history. This UNESCO World Heritage site is famed for its well-preserved 16th-century architecture, including St. John’s Co-Cathedral and the Grand Master’s Palace. The city’s vibrant street life, with numerous cafes, shops, and cultural events, makes it a dynamic urban center for visitors.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Valletta:

  1. St. John’s Co-Cathedral: Admire the stunning Baroque architecture and intricate interior of St. John’s Co-Cathedral, including Caravaggio’s famous painting “The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist.”
  2. Upper Barrakka Gardens: Enjoy a peaceful stroll through the beautiful Upper Barrakka Gardens, which offer panoramic views of the Grand Harbour.
  3. Grandmaster’s Palace: Explore the Grandmaster’s Palace, which houses the President’s office and the Palace State Rooms.
  4. National Museum of Archaeology: Discover Malta’s rich history at the National Museum of Archaeology, featuring artifacts from prehistoric times to the Knights period.
  5. Valletta Waterfront: Wander along the picturesque Valletta Waterfront and enjoy dining, shopping, and entertainment options.
The Three Cities, Malta

The Three Cities, Malta:

Comprising Cospicua, Vittoriosa, and Senglea, the Three Cities area offers a deeper glimpse into Malta’s maritime history. These fortified cities boast a labyrinth of narrow streets, ancient docks, and majestic buildings. They are a quieter alternative to the bustling Valletta, offering authentic Maltese life and splendid harbor views.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in The Three Cities:

  1. Birgu (Vittoriosa): Explore the historic streets of Birgu, one of the three cities, known for its medieval architecture and the Inquisitor’s Palace.
  2. Senglea (Isla): Visit Senglea and its fortified walls, offering excellent views of Valletta and the Grand Harbour.
  3. Cospicua (Bormla): Discover Cospicua’s maritime heritage, including the Dockyard Creek and the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
  4. Mediterranean Maritime Centre: Learn about Malta’s maritime history at the Mediterranean Maritime Centre in Birgu.
  5. Birgu Fest: Experience the vibrant Birgu Fest, a popular cultural event featuring historical reenactments, food, and entertainment.
Popeye Village, Malta

Popeye Village, Malta:

Originally a film set for the 1980 movie “Popeye,” this quirky, colorful village in Anchor Bay has been transformed into a unique theme park. It offers fun activities for families, including boat rides, shows, and the chance to meet Popeye characters. The picturesque bay also provides a beautiful backdrop for a leisurely day out.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Popeye Village:

  1. Film Set: Visit the original film set of the 1980 musical production “Popeye” and explore the colorful village.
  2. Boat Rides: Enjoy boat rides and swimming in the bay surrounding Popeye Village.
  3. Themed Activities: Participate in various Popeye-themed activities, including face painting and treasure hunts.
  4. Water Trampolines: Have fun on the water trampolines and splash pools at the village.
  5. Family-Friendly: Popeye Village is a family-friendly attraction, making it ideal for visitors of all ages.
St. John's Co-Cathedral, Malta

St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Malta:

Located in Valletta, this 16th-century cathedral is a Baroque art and architecture masterpiece. The cathedral houses Caravaggio’s famous painting, “The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist.” Its ornate interior, with elaborately carved stone walls and painted vaulted ceilings, is a testament to Malta’s artistic and religious heritage.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in St. John’s Co-Cathedral (Valletta):

  1. Baroque Architecture: Marvel at the stunning Baroque architecture and intricate design of St. John’s Co-Cathedral, known for its ornate interior and exterior.
  2. Caravaggio’s Masterpieces: Admire Caravaggio’s renowned paintings, including “The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist” and “Saint Jerome Writing,” displayed within the cathedral.
  3. Oratory and Side Chapels: Explore the various oratories and side chapels, each featuring unique artwork, statues, and historical significance.
  4. The Co-Cathedral Museum: Visit the Co-Cathedral Museum, located nearby, to learn more about the cathedral’s history and view a collection of religious artifacts.
  5. Maltese Heritage: St. John’s Co-Cathedral is a significant symbol of Malta’s religious and cultural heritage and a must-visit for art and history enthusiasts.
Ggantija Temples, Gozo, Malta

Ggantija Temples, Gozo, Malta: 

These megalithic temples on Gozo Island are among the world’s oldest free-standing structures, predating the pyramids of Egypt. The site is significant for its architectural brilliance and insight into the island’s prehistoric period. It offers a mystical journey into the lives and beliefs of Malta’s ancient inhabitants.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Ggantija Temples:

  1. Roman Architecture: Explore the exceptionally well-preserved Roman ruins, including the Oval Plaza, Hadrian’s Arch, and the South Theater.
  2. Cardo Maximus: Walk along the ancient Roman road, lined with columns, and imagine life in this once-thriving city.
  3. Artemis Temple: Admire the grand temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis and its intricate carvings.
  4. Hippodrome: Discover the ancient chariot racing track, where you can see reenactments during special events.
  5. Jerash Festival: If visiting during the summer, attend the annual Jerash Festival, featuring music, dance, and cultural performances.
Golden Bay Beach, Malta

Golden Bay Beach, Malta: 

One of Malta’s most beautiful sandy beaches, Golden Bay Beach is ideal for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. The beach is backed by a natural reserve, adding to its scenic beauty. Its western orientation makes it a prime location for watching spectacular sunsets over the Mediterranean.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Golden Bay Beach:

  1. Golden Sand: Relax on the golden sandy beach and soak up the Mediterranean sun.
  2. Swimming and Watersports: The beach is excellent for swimming, and visitors can enjoy various watersports, including jet skiing and windsurfing.
  3. Scenic Views: Golden Bay Beach offers picturesque views of the surrounding cliffs and hills.
  4. Sunset Spot: It’s a popular spot for watching the sunset over the sea.
  5. Hotel and Amenities: There are hotels and amenities nearby, making it a convenient destination for beachgoers.
Gozo Island, Malta

Gozo Island, Malta:

Gozo, Malta’s sister island, is known for its scenic landscapes, quiet towns, and rich cultural heritage. The island offers diverse attractions, from the Ggantija Temples to the stunning Ramla Bay. Gozo’s slower pace of life and its historical sites and natural beauty make it a peaceful retreat.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Gozo Island:

  1. Azure Window (formerly): Although the Azure Window collapsed in 2017, the island of Gozo still offers stunning natural beauty and coastal landscapes.
  2. Ggantija Temples: Explore the ancient Ggantija Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which are older than the Egyptian pyramids.
  3. Victoria (Rabat): Visit the historic town of Victoria (also known as Rabat) and its impressive citadel, the Cittadella.
  4. Dwejra Inland Sea: Discover the Dwejra Inland Sea and take a boat ride through the unique sea cave.
  5. Ramla Bay: Enjoy the red sandy beach at Ramla Bay and the views of the Calypso Cave.
Hagar Qim Temples, Malta

Hagar Qim Temples, Malta:

Situated on a hilltop in southern Malta, the Ħaġar Qim Temples are a marvel of prehistoric architecture. The site, dating back to around 3600-3200 BC, provides a unique insight into the island’s ancient history. The temples overlook the sea and the islet of Filfla, offering stunning views.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Hagar Qim Temples:

  1. Prehistoric Ruins: Explore the ancient Hagar Qim Temples, a megalithic temple complex dating back over 5,000 years.
  2. Mnajdra Temples: Visit the nearby Mnajdra Temples, another fascinating Neolithic temple site.
  3. Visitor Center: Learn about Malta’s prehistoric history at the Hagar Qim and Mnajdra Visitor Center.
  4. Scenic Coastal Views: Enjoy the panoramic coastal views from the temples’ location on the cliffs.
  5. UNESCO World Heritage: Both Hagar Qim and Mnajdra Temples are UNESCO World Heritage sites, representing Malta’s rich archaeological heritage.
Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta

Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta:

Paola’s underground prehistoric burial site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an archaeological wonder. The Hypogeum, carved out of limestone, consists of halls, chambers, and passages on three levels. It is invaluable to Malta’s ancient history, offering a glimpse into the Neolithic period.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Hal Saflieni Hypogeum:

  1. Underground Megalithic Site: Explore the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, an ancient underground temple and burial site dating back to 3600 BC, known for its unique architecture and history.
  2. UNESCO World Heritage: The Hypogeum is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Malta’s most significant archaeological treasures.
  3. Audiovisual Tour: Experience an audiovisual tour that provides insights into the history, purpose, and significance of this remarkable site.
  4. Limited Access: Due to its sensitivity to environmental conditions, access to the Hypogeum is limited, so it’s essential to book tickets in advance.
  5. Historical Artifacts: Discover a collection of ancient artifacts, including pottery, figurines, and jewelry, found within the Hypogeum.
Marsaxlokk, Malta

Marsaxlokk, Malta:

A picturesque fishing village, Marsaxlokk is famous for its colorful traditional boats, called luzzus, and lively fish market. The village provides a taste of traditional Maltese life and is known for its seafood restaurants, offering freshly caught delicacies.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Marsaxlokk:

  1. Colorful Fishing Village: Explore the picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk, known for its colorful traditional fishing boats called “luzzus.”
  2. Sunday Fish Market: Visit the lively Sunday fish market, where you can sample fresh seafood and enjoy a bustling atmosphere.
  3. Waterfront Dining: Savor delicious seafood dishes at one of the many seafood restaurants along the waterfront.
  4. St. Peter’s Pool: Take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of St. Peter’s Pool, a natural swimming pool surrounded by limestone rocks.
  5. Relaxation: Marsaxlokk offers a relaxed and authentic Maltese ambiance, making it a perfect place to unwind and soak in the local culture.
Mdina, Malta

Mdina, Malta:

Known as the “Silent City,” Mdina is an ancient walled city blending medieval and baroque architecture. This former capital of Malta is car-free, allowing visitors to wander its narrow streets and discover hidden courtyards and ancient buildings. It’s a serene retreat with stunning views of the island.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Mdina:

  1. The Silent City: Explore the historic walled city of Mdina, often referred to as the “Silent City” due to its tranquil atmosphere and lack of cars.
  2. Mdina Cathedral: Visit St. Paul’s Cathedral, an impressive Baroque cathedral with beautiful architecture and art.
  3. Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum: Discover the Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum, showcasing a vast collection of art, antiques, and historical artifacts.
  4. City Walls: Walk along the fortified city walls for panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  5. Game of Thrones Filming Location: Mdina served as a filming location for the popular TV series Game of Thrones, and fans can recognize several iconic scenes here.
Mnajdra Temples, Malta

Mnajdra Temples, Malta:

Located near the Ħaġar Qim temples, the Mnajdra Temples are a group of three megalithic temples overlooking the sea. These temples are notable for their astronomical alignment and sophisticated construction. They offer a peaceful and spiritually uplifting experience set against the backdrop of the Mediterranean.

Tourist Attractions and Things to Do in Mnajdra Temples:

  1. Neolithic Temples: Explore the Mnajdra Temples, an ancient Neolithic temple complex on the southern coast of Malta, known for its megalithic structures.
  2. Solar Alignments: The Mnajdra Temples are famous for their solar alignments during the equinoxes, when sunlight illuminates specific areas of the temple.
  3. Visitor Center: Learn about the history and significance of the Mnajdra Temples at the nearby visitor center.
  4. Majestic Sea Views: Enjoy stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea from the temple site, adding to the overall ambiance.
  5. Archaeological Significance: The Mnajdra Temples, along with Hagar Qim, represent Malta’s rich prehistoric heritage and are UNESCO World Heritage sites.

We hope this curated list of “Best Places to Visit in Malta” has stirred your wanderlust and sparked your curiosity. 

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